Introduction to Consulting

Method of company diagnosis

What to do to diagnose a company

It is to investigate the current situation from various aspects of a company, to find problems to be solved, to propose current improvement proposals leading to solution of issues and proposals for new management ideas.

  1. Survey on current situation of management
  2. Extract management issues
  3. Proposing remedies and suggesting new management ideas

Point of diagnosis

Current situation The subjects to be investigated and the points of survey are as follows.

  1. Management policy and management strategy: Are they clarified? Are they shared throughout the company? Do you analyze the situation inside and outside the company objectively and are reasonable settings? Do you think about responding to situation changes?
  2. Management organization: Is it a system that allows top-down and bottom-up communication to be done sufficiently? Is it possible to utilize human resources and reasonable and efficient system? Is it a system to motivate labor?
  3. Finance: Are you able to grasp accurate current situation? Is profitability, safety and efficiency sufficient? Is the funding plan reasonable?
  4. Marketing: Is current marketing activities / strategies such as product composition, price, promotion activities appropriate?

Diagnosis procedure

Diagnosis procedures (processes) are summarized as follows.

  1. Understand the diagnostic needs of the client
  2. Create Diagnostic Flowchart with Diagnostic Procedure
  3. Create a hypothesis by rough sketch (management tasks and solutions, new suggestions)
  4. Study planning (what to investigate in investigation of internal resources and external environment, what kind of data is acquired)
  5. Internal resource survey (human, goods, money, information, goods)
    1. Interview, finding financial data, field survey
    2. Explanation of hypothesis - Presentation and analysis of company data (standard comparison, previous term comparison, comparison with other companies) - Impact assessment on diagnostic enterprises
      1. Current status of management policy and management strategy
      2. Current status of management organization
      3. Current financial situation
      4. Current status of marketing (products / services, sales promotion, distribution)
  6. External environmental survey (questionnaire, commercial area, regional statistical data, nationwide statistical data)
    1. Collect statistical data, survey on the net, customer questionnaire, customer observation / traffic volume survey
    2. Explanation of hypothesis - Data presentation / analysis (grasp of trend) - Evaluation of impact on diagnostic enterprises
      1. Current status and trends of customers and potential customers for existing products / services
      2. Current status and trends of competitor products and services for existing products / services
      3. Possibility of new market / new product due to social environment change
  7. SWOT analysis: Creating a table of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, extracting management issues by analyzing tables
  8. Two-dimensional analysis: Visualization and analysis by PPM, Akarov table, positioning, two-dimensional mapping and management task extraction
  9. Management tasks and their solutions, planning new proposals
    1. Plan solution candidates, collect evidence materials, select solution solution
    2. Planning for new proposals, gathering evidence materials, selecting new proposals
    3. Business plan (sales, profit, investment, business domain, organizational structure), financial plan (financing and repayment, capital composition, improvement of financial indicators), sales plan (product composition, sales by product, new Proposal of sales promotion activity annual calendar
    4. Investigation of public policy that can be used for solution of management issues, new proposals, future plans
  10. Borrowing the report
  11. Report preparation
  12. Implementation of the meeting
  13. after-follow

Preparation before diagnosis

Corporate diagnosis is from information gathering. In order to diagnose, it is important to grasp the current situation of companies. We will collect and analyze as much information as possible. Interviews are the basis of information gathering.


First of all, the interview will be done to the executive manager including the president. It is important not only the senior executives but also the voices of the employees of each division. If you listen to the voices of the scene a lot The challenge comes into view. From each person, not only the explanation of the current work but also the problems felt by the person himself / herself, the idea of ​​improvement are drawn out. If you can interview each level in the company, you can grasp the difference in perspective between the senior executives and field employees regarding the company and operations. These are materials for organizational diagnosis, management policy, etc. Employees know the most about the actual work. We need an interview that draws ideas from employees. Let's summarize what we interviewed in unified form.

Collection of internal documents

We collect the following materials as basic materials for company diagnosis.

  1. Balance Sheet for the past five years
  2. Income statement for past 5 years
  3. Organization Chart
  4. Brochure, Web page

Collection of external documents

In order to grasp the environment surrounding enterprises, we collect materials on socioeconomic situation.

  1. Government publications / statistical materials
  2. Internet-based information
  3. Industry trends data
  4. Newspaper

In-house observation

The interview was gathering information from the viewpoint of employees, but the eyes of the outside, that is, the eyes of the diagnostician are also important. Walk as far as possible inside the company, if possible, shoot and record if possible. If it is a business office, record the placement and production process of machinery and objects. If it is a store, we will arrange products, move customers and employees, check flow lines and so on. The check points of in-house observation are as follows.

  1. Status of ordering
  2. Instructional version, guide map
  3. Employee awareness activity

Outside observation

Let's check the appearance of the company if it is a business office. If it is a store, let's check the shop carefully as customers feel. In the case of a store, let's walk a little broad range, check the environment, other shop situation and competitors. The check points of outside observation are as follows.

  1. Whether it is easy to enter (no psychological resistance) shops
  2. Visibility from the road
  3. Appeal to potential customers

Collecting data by case

Depending on the diagnosis destination, the following investigation is also required.

  1. Pedestrian questionnaire survey
  2. Observation of sales floor
  3. POS data analysis
  4. Customer survey
  5. Traffic volume survey
  6. Investigation of surrounding environment of stores

Analysis of information

A variety of analysis tools are useful to analyze the situation of the company. I will introduce representative ones.

Business analysis

SWOT analysis

It is a tool to analyze the situation surrounding the company (external environment and internal resources). We also extract our company's strengths and weaknesses from internal resource analysis of the company. From the analysis of the external environment, we extract opportunities and threats surrounding the company. The advantage of this table is that it can be expressed simultaneously by combining external environment and internal resource analysis. The table is as follows.

Analysis of internal resources
Strength Strengths to the current business environment
Weakness Current weakness against the business environment

Analysis of external environment
Opportunity Current business environment that is an opportunity for our company
Threat Current business environment threatening our company

SWOT analysis table
opportunity Threat
We take opportunities as opportunities and make the most of our strengths.
Minimize the threat by strength.
Overcome the weakness to take advantage of opportunities.
Overcome the weakness to endure the threat.

Notes on SWOT analysis

We will need to overcome strengths and weaknesses. Never miss opportunities, threats need to be addressed. Both are management issues, but it is not easy to solve problems at the same time as well. In addition, each item is not independent, it is common that there is mutual relation. It is important to prioritize tasks. If the problem is clearly visible, the diagnosis and improvement targets are clear and easy to approach. Points to keep in mind are as follows.

  1. We extract overall issues rather than individual tasks as management issues.
  2. Make it an issue that can be solved by effort, inventive ingenuity.
  3. Since the tasks are interrelated, we find out the main problem.
  4. Describe the strengths and weaknesses for future changes in the external environment, not the strengths and weaknesses of internal management resources for the past.


If you are doing a lot of business, PPM is effective for analyzing relationships between projects and global policy for each business. PPM maps each business by placing market share on the horizontal axis and market growth rate on the vertical axis. It has advantages in viewing the business in two combinations rather than looking at the market share and market growth rate respectively. Depending on the positional relationship of the project, we will identify the business to be strengthened and the business to be reduced.

PPM format
High competitiveness Low competitiveness
High growth
Low growth

Five Power

There are "five strengths" as a method of visually summarizing the company's business competitiveness. Five powers indicate whether the company is interacting with stakeholders outside the company. By graphicizing the five powers, we find the part that is a competitive bottleneck in the market environment. How much we can procure the five powers in negotiations with the buyer How much buyer can negotiate, the seller's bargaining power to ask customers how much to buy to the customer or seller, the competitors in the same industry in the market competition, It is the impact from potential new entrants and substitutes that will compete when entering. Every one poses a threat to our company, checking our ability to respond to our threats and competitiveness.

Examples of entry format
Current situation remedy
New entrant

Value chain

What can a company offer to customers? It is considered that customers pay for added value of goods and services. If a company creates added value and provides it to customers, it is important to grasp and analyze where and where it was created.

Examples of entry format
Current situation remedy
Processing / commercialization
Sales / customer correspondence
After sale

Marketing analysis

Product positioning

Although PPM sees positional relationships through business positioning, it is product positioning that carries out positioning and positioning marketing based on two scales and perspectives. The feature is to be able to read the position of each product at the same time with two scales and views. If you look at only one scale, oversight will occur. One point of view is that there is no overlap between the items. To differentiate targeted customer groups, images, and uses among products to think about product lineups, we can respond to more consumer needs. In positioning, we will keep track of the distance between items. The other is to clarify the nature of the product and make use of it in formulating pricing and sales promotion plans.

Examples of entry format
B Not B
Not A

From grasping the position of the lineup of each product, we aim to improve the overall sales and profit by balancing the whole. Analysis of products requires not only positioning between products but also analysis focusing on the sales volume of the products.

ABC analysis

ABC analysis is a management method based on maxims that divide a lot of goods into classes, define management and sales policies for each class, and divide and rule. Classification is generally decided by sales. I will divide it from A rank, B rank, and C rank in order of selling goods. 20% of the total products may occupy 80% of the total sales. The phenomenon that 20% occupy 80% is called Pareto's law, it is a phenomenon that is easy to occur. The point of analysis is the ratio of classified products. If it is not balanced, it will be necessary to review the product composition. In addition, classification based on other measures such as profit and cost may be different even if you classify by sales alone. It is a cautionary exhibition that not only one index but several indicators determine the class grasping and management policy.

Examples of entry format
current situation remedy
A classification
B classification
C classification

Four P

The four P are the initials of product (Product), price (Price), promotion (Promotion), logistics (Place). Consideration points in marketing are summarized in these four. By examining these four items and planning each strategy, sales ability will be improved.

Examples of entry format
Promotional activity
Distribution / sales destination

Market strategy

It is necessary to organize the relationship between the product and the target market to which the product is to be introduced. There are two main product strategies. Even if it is a new field advancement, it is whether it is a product in a new field or a new customer is developed. There are 4 combinations, and if you examine each, you can plan an effective strategy. Existing customers can boost their appeal by introducing new products, if you target existing customers to new customers, or if you explore new customers, you can strengthen sales.

Examples of entry format
Existing market · Existing customer New market · New customer
Existing product
New product

Financial / accounting analysis

Break-even point analysis

Break-even point analysis is an important analysis tool for grasping whether investment and cost can be recovered and for planning a profit to see the feasibility of the project. This makes it possible to set sales targets necessary for collecting investment and costs and set sales targets to obtain certain profits. As shown in the figure, cost is divided into fixed cost and variable cost and a cost curve is drawn. Fill in the sales curve and the intersection is the breakeven point. That is the immediate sales target. Furthermore, we draw a line that gains a certain profit, and the intersection becomes a profit target. Other benefits are that it can be used for cost management as well as being able to grasp what causes the fixed costs, variable expenses, prices, sales, causing fixed costs, variable expenses, and price changes to affect profits and sales targets It is understanding.

Examples of entry format
Current situation Improvement goal
Fixed costs
Variable costs
Breakeven point sales

Financial statement analysis

Analyze financial statements. Financial statements are a table of company's results, analyzing this can be a valuation of the performance of the entire company, extraction of improvement points, future management strategies and so on. Finance is a number representing the company as a whole, so it can be interpreted objectively as it is expressed in whole analysis, numbers. There are three aspects of financial analysis: profitability, efficiency, and safety.


Profitability will see if profit is coming up. Even if sales are secured, profits will not come out if the cost is high accordingly. We will evaluate profitability by the profit margin of sales. Evaluation of expenses is also important at this time. The expenses are classified into fixed costs and variable expenses, which is to be grasped for each business. Sales and profits are necessary for each business. We will find and improve businesses that are not profitable, costly businesses.


The next point of view is efficiency. The efficiency is that there is no waste in the business, and if you find inefficient parts, you can reduce the cost by turning over the management resources that are extra input.


Safety is a point of view on whether the cash flow to secure the survival of the project can continue. Safety is the ability to pay borrowings. Current ratio = current assets / current liabilities, equity ratio = own funds / total assets, fixed long term conformity rate = fixed assets / fixed liabilities. It is natural that it is better to have a larger value, but the point of note is whether it is too large. Investment in business is sometimes suppressed in order to give priority to cash holding to business in order to ensure safety.

Business value

The end is an evaluation of business value. The company's assets are worth the real worth. It is the company's management resources and how much possibility to bring value (profit) in the future. Business value represents the future of the company.

How to analyze

Analysis tends to end up with figures. The calculated figures are compared with the past first. We look at the movement of numbers in time series. I can predict in the future. Then compare with competitors of similar scale. You can see the relative position. Finally compare with industry indicators. Small and medium-sized enterprises have management indicators for small and medium enterprises, so if you compare it, you can compare with industry standards.

Examples of entry format
Current situation Comparison with the past Comparison with other companies (or standard) Improvement goal
Financial safety
Corporate value evaluation

Organizational analysis

Whether the organization is clear, functioning, or efficient in the purpose of carrying out the project is checked from the following point of view. The point is whether the organization shares business goals or leadership at the top is penetrating. We have a common goal and see if each person fulfills the role of each person towards its achievement. The next point is the productivity and efficiency of the organization. We will introduce a lot of management resources to the project, but we will see if human resources are conducting as planned and whether the person's organization / arrangement is appropriate. We aim to reduce the productivity and cost of the business depending on the system. The last is accumulation, improvement and motivation of human capital. The organization consists of individual individuals. Analysis of the organization is also important to focus on individuals. Organization problems can be solved by education and training. Introduction and motivation of the education and training program do not lead to direct management improvement, but in the long term it leads to great productivity improvement.

Examples of entry format
Current status and remedies
Top leadership / penetration
Organization productivity and efficiency
Accumulation / improvement / motivation of human capital

Business plan / process chart analysis

In addition to checking whether the current plan is progressing, it is also possible to evaluate whether the future direction is appropriate. If you already have a plan, you can see the management task by creating the evaluation, if not creating a plan.

Examples of entry format
Short term medium term Long term

Business Risk Analysis

Business activities have uncertainty. Such as unexpected natural disasters, scandals, crises, etc. from things involving usual business activities such as economic environment, raw material price trend, uncertainty of sales, uncertainty of new products etc. If you are ready for second best, you can respond quickly to these uncertainties. You can prevent damage, reduce the extent of damage, and switch to alternative means immediately. Uncertainty is expressed by frequency, degree of damage in case of occurrence. We will devise measures to prevent the event and countermeasures to be taken if it occurs.

Examples of entry format
Risk factors Occurrence probability Influence on occurrence Preventive measure for occurrence

Business model

Let's compile the whole company from a different perspective once we can analyze each individually. One way to summarize is how to capture the business model. The business model is what the company is doing. It is not a superficial view of the sale of ○ ○, but what is the appeal power to the target potential customers, what added value is offered? And, to clarify the mechanism that surely profits in the competition with others.

Examples of entry format
Current situation Improvement suggestion
Business domain
Profit model
Operation model

Extract management issues and suggest improvement measures

Viewpoint of analysis

After conducting various survey analyzes, let's summarize from the viewpoint of the environment surrounding the company. We analyze the situation (company environment) where the company is situated (external environment) and the internal situation (internal resource) of the company, leading to the task extraction and suggesting solutions.

  1. Visualization of management
  2. Analysis and problem extraction
  3. Plan for problem resolution
  4. Run
  5. Evaluate results
  6. I do not know the actual condition of the company.
  7. I want to raise sales.
  8. I want to make a profit.
  9. I want to make the company bigger.
  10. Business area
  11. Future directions
  12. Efficiency of management
  13. Reduction of fixed costs
  14. Reduction of variable costs

Examples of entry format < td class = "s">
Analysis content Current situation Remedy
Economic and market analysis (economic statistics, administrative information, press information, etc.)
Competitor Analysis
(word of mouth, field survey, industry survey, comparison table etc)
Customer trend analysis (word of mouth, economic statistics, customer characteristics survey in commerce areas, consciousness investigation etc)
Public relations analysis analysis (Web page, shop, promotion, sales promotion research etc.)

Viewpoint of improvement measures

Once we have extracted management issues, we propose remedial measures for each task. The remedy is not a desire, but clearly describe 5W1H, how long, when, how, what to do and how to do.

Examples of entry format
Current situation remedy
Sales increase
Cost reduction
Lead time reduction
Quality improvement
Customer service improvement

Proposal for management issues and improvement measures

We summarize it in a table through various surveys and document analysis. We will make sure that the diagnostic object and remedial measures correspond clearly. At the beginning, the task is to set up a big task and break it down into partial tasks. By doing so, it is possible to set more specific and clarified tasks for vague tasks.

Examples of entry format
Manager Diagnosis Improvement measures
Management policy < /td>
Issues and problems
Future direction

Utilization of public support measures

In many cases, it is not enough for companies to solve management issues by themselves. Especially for small and medium enterprises with poor management resources such as people, goods, money, information. For this reason, various public support measures are prepared for SMEs. Countries and local governments support SMEs with various policies. The main ones are subsidies, low interest loans, guarantees, tax deductions, expert advice. In many cases, opportunity loss has been made without knowing the policy. Proposing and using policies suitable for corporate management improvement will be a great force.

Examples of entry format
Name Overview Features

Framework of public support measures

Although there are various kinds of public support measures, the basic framework of policy has commonality. It is the following and most policies are implemented in this framework.